Call me Jennifer.

If you're worried about therapy being too "woo" for you, I'm your gal.

Psychotherapy in Oakland for anxiety, panic, relationship counseling (EFT), adult ADHD, postpartum issues, and motherhood.

I'm not a doctor, though I have a juris doctorate (JD), which is a law degree.  I have a Masters of Social Work (MSW), which I earned through a program specifically designed to train therapists, and I'm a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW).  What that means is that I'm a licensed psychotherapist, and I work with adults in private practice psychotherapy, just like any other licensed psychotherapist [e.g., psychologists (psychotherapists with PhDs or PsyDs), marriage and family therapists (MFTs, masters degrees), or licensed professional clinical counselors (LPCC, masters degrees)].

My clients often express that they appreciate that I hold them accountable and push them when they become complacent.  I mix this straightforward approach with the just-as-important softer touch of empathetic validation.  In fact, I strive to operate at all times in a middle space, or dialectic, where accountable change that moves us where we want to go and compassionate acceptance of who we are now can both exist at the same time.

Am I the right

therapist for you?

My approach to therapy is practical above all else. 

  • Is it working? 

    Great, let's get you the supports you need and move the obstacles in your way so that you can do more of it. 

  • Is it not working? 

    Well, let's figure out how to phase it out of your life. 

Psychotherapy in Oakland for anxiety, panic, relationship counseling (EFT), adult ADHD, postpartum issues, and motherhood.

Do you feel like you're stuck in unhelpful patterns

  • at work

  • with a partner

  • with friends and/or family

  • or internally?  

Nobody does things for no reason.  Your patterns are coping mechanisms that were once very useful to you in some way, but now they have simply outlived their usefulness.  We'll work together to figure out why you're stuck in these patterns.  Some types of therapy stop there, resting on the assumption that if you know why you're doing something you can change it. Hogwash.  Insight is only half the battle.  Together, we'll take the next step of working to help you change ineffective patterns and work towards living the life you want.

Many of my clients are self-described "introverts" but are also high-functioning professionals.  They tend to resonate with me because I often describe myself as an "assertive introvert."  I need lots of down time to recharge, but I enjoy interacting with others and I know, and am comfortable speaking, my mind.  I am practiced at setting boundaries and observing my own limits both in the therapy room and in my personal life, where I am often outnumbered by my two extroverted kiddos. 

I don't always succeed; no one does. 

Let's grow through our mistakes together!